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App Secrets Will Help You...
  • Turn your app idea into a reality, so that you can positively impact the lives of Millions of people.
  • Build an app that runs 24/7 day and night for you, so that you can spend more time with your friends and family.
  • Create a successful and profitable app, so that you can escape the 9-5 and begin to live the lifestyle of your dream.
  • Create a Million Dollar app, so that you can become the next app celebrity and join the new rich.
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Hi, I'm Sean Casto and I'm so glad you made it to this special webpage!
If you have an app idea OR already have an existing app and would like to turn it into a Million Dollar or even a Billion Dollar app business, this will be the most important book you'll ever read.

And by the way,

Yes! It Really Is FREE!

But before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:

This isn’t one of those “get rich quick” websites that promises you a fortune for doing nothing.

Here’s the deal.

The system I outline in this free book has worked for thousands of our clients, and I believe it can help you, too.

But I’m not suggesting that everyone (or anyone) who reads it is going to make a Million Dollars.

I don’t know how much the people who read it will make – it’s likely that many or most of them will make little or nothing at all (especially if they don’t follow the directions and work hard).

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…
    Exactly What You're Getting

First of all, this isn't like any business or marketing book you've ever read. There's no fluff or filler - just battle-tested tactics that are working right now.

And it's easy.

You can read it in an afternoon and you'll immediately "get" the entire system I personally used to help clients reach Millions of Downloads, become instant app celebrities, and reach extraordinary success in the app industry.
Here's a fraction of what you're getting...
- How you can copy the strategies that today's fastest growing apps use to drive breakout success and achieve EXPLOSIVE growth. Page 18.

- From Uber to Snapchat, learn how today's smartest apps go viral. Page 107.

- Discover why some apps survive and others die so you can avoid wasting both time and money. Page 81.

- How to overcome the single most difficult aspect of marketing your app! Page 18.

- How to achieve explosive growth, WITHOUT jeopardizing your marketing budget using our “Viral App Blueprint.” Page 112

- 5 deadly mistakes most app creators make when launching their app and how to avoid them! Page 55.

- Why you should never charge upfront for your app... and what you should do instead! Page 134.

- The single best investment you can make when selling your app! Page 56.

- A dirty little secret many app experts hope you never find out! Page 110.

- Why adding more features to your app can lower its value! Page 82.

- What the future of apps lies ahead and what this means for you. Page 192.

- How to get an extra 100,000 app downloads organically, using our
“Skyrocket Method.
Page 90.

- How to reach the top charts on the App Store and Google Play and consistently and predictably get 1,000 downloads a day, organically for free. Page 85.

- How to get your app Featured by Apple and promoted to Millions for free. Page 89.

- A proven way to get your prospects to practically crawl across broken glass to download your app and pay you for your solution. This 5-step approach works almost instantly and will maximize your profits. Page 134.

- How traditional marketing can actually send you to the poorhouse. Eye-opening stats and and a recent case study on Page 19.

- Say goodbye to struggling to get downloads for your app! This new traffic method will allow you to obtain predictable organic downloads every single day. Page 44.

- The truth about the app business that the top apps don’t want you to know. The stuff you see everyone else doing is failing, but this new method is easier and works like crazy. The real world Case study walks you through it on Page 49.

- What to do if you're brand new and just have an idea for an app. Page 16.
You're right ...that is a lot of proven, real world strategies and tactics that are working right now. And it's stuff that nobody else can share with you because nobody else is doing it.

But it gets better because you're also getting ...

An Advanced "Viral App Blueprint"  For Explosive Growth!
At the end of this book, you're getting a complete blueprint of the most powerful methodologies ever deployed in the app industry. 

You'll instantly know how to DOUBLE, TRIPLE, and even 10X downloads - almost effortlessly and with WITHOUT increasing your marketing budget.

The SAME strategies we help Million Dollar and even Billion Dollar app clients reach 100,000,000+ downloads!
 Here's What To Do Next
Like I said, the book is free. All I ask is you cover the postage of $5.60.

I'm using USPS and their flat rate for a book this size is $5.60 shipped anywhere in the United States. If you're out of the country, I'll pick up any extra shipping charges personally.

Your book will be shipped same-day.

As soon as you request it, we ship it you you. (Unless it's in the middle of the night, and then we'll do it in the morning.)

You can expect to get it in about five days.

Oh, and in case you're wondering ...

There is No Catch!
I'm literally giving you this entire book, for free, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

       Time Is Of The Essence
Here's why.

I ONLY have 1,000 free copies available of this book. Once they are claimed they are gone for good and you'll be stuck paying $24.99 + Shipping on Amazon. They are packaged up and ready to be shipped immediately.

So go ahead and get your FREE copy now before it's too late!

    • - The Proven Step-By-Step App Marketing Strategy That Resulted In 113,000,000 Downloads
    •  - How To Get Worldwide Exposure To Your App Using The "Celebrity App Formula" 
    •  - Get Clarity On Your Next Steps Toward Accomplishing What Matters Most
    •   - How To Drive 1,000 Downloads A Day For A New App, Organically With Our “Skyrocket Method”

       - Big Secret: The 4-Step Formula To Get Your App Featured On The Apple App Store (To Millions of Monthly Users)
    •  - Learn Proven Monetization Tactics To Boost Downloads And Sales Starting Immediately
    • - All Rights Reserve - Copyright @ 2018